BIRTH CERTIFICATES (Richmond Hill Hockey)

This season we are required by OMHA and Hockey Canada to have all birth certificates on file.  We ask that parents do one of the following:

Scan and email player's birth certificate to email below


Take a picture with your phone and email to us using the 'actual size' option


Fax in a copy of the birth certificate to:  905-770-7712


Drop off a copy to our hockey office located in Elgin Barrow Arena, East Mezzanine upstairs way in the back corner
(During regular office hours only as the arena may be closed in evenings and weekends during the off season)

If you do not wish to send a copy of the birth certificate, you can come by our office (during open hours) with the birth certificate for us to do a 'visual verification'.

Hockey Office Email:   [email protected]

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